Tuesday, January 31, 2012

So, where have you been all this time?

I just finished student teaching this past Friday, and I'm starting to get things together to begin subbing.  It's so bitter-sweet to be done.  In some ways, I feel as though I have just climbed a mountain, and on the other hand, I know that I will really miss my students. 
I have had a really different student teaching experience than the average student.  First of all, I'm not an undergrad, so that gave me a boost in the right direction from life experience.  The second thing that made my student teaching experience different from most was that I'm pregnant.  That's right!  Jason and I are having our first baby.  That's kind of why I have been so absent from blogging.
I know there are plenty of expecting/mom bloggers who can keep up with their blog, even with being so exhausted all the time (like the lovely Meg!  I don't know how she does it.)  During my first trimester, I would work all day, and go to bed as soon as I finished dinner at 5:30 or 6.  As of this week, I am 19 weeks pregnant, so I'm thrilled to be out of that position and to have more energy!

So that's the update!  Jason and I get to find out on Friday what the gender of the baby is.  We're so excited!


harold hollingsworth said...

super congrats Connie! So very excited for you and your upcoming baby! Yeah!

merelythemoon said...

Thanks, Harold! Jason and I are really excited to be parents. How have you been? How's Seattle treating you?

harold hollingsworth said...

not in Seattle any longer, in Berlin making work...doing great, so cold here, but beautiful and inspiring, congrats again Con!

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