Thursday, June 7, 2012

Getting ready for baby.

Since my last update, I completed my Masters in Education!  That took a whole lot of time from blogging, but it was all worth it.  I finished my higher education career (so far) with a 3.7 GPA.  So close to my 4.0 goal, but hey, I'll take it.  It feels good to know that I'm one step closer to a career that I love and excel in, so much so that the grade I get is just the icing on the cake.  Actually learning about what I love doing is far more important to me.

I decided not to walk at my graduation because I would have been at the end of my eighth month of pregnancy, and there is no way that I would want to sit in a cap and gown for hours in the sun, sweating my butt off.  No waddling across stage for me, thanks.  I didn't walk at my undergraduate commencement either, and I never regretted it.  Instead I left straight for my third tour, then moved to Madison to be with Jason, and became closer to the life that I'm living today.  I'd say it was a good decision looking back, otherwise I might not have the life that I have today.

Now that I'm done with school, I'm busy getting ready for baby!  I'm now only two weeks from my due date, and nesting time is starting to dwindle down.  I've been doing a lot of quilting, knitting, and general sewing to finish preparing for my sweet babe.  Jason and I are so excited to meet her and those little feet that have been poking my sides all day long!

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