Monday, September 13, 2010

No Shampoo...1 Month.

About a month ago I started the No Poo process, when I stopped using shampoo and used baking soda and apple cider vinegar to wash my hair instead.  My hair was in a greasy, in-between state for almost 3 weeks, which as an educator and role just not okay in my book.
Finally after:
  • getting so frustrated with that fact that I could not run my fingers through my hair even an inch without my fingers getting stuck in a disgusting greasy knot.  
  • Getting a really dry scalp.
I gave up.

I made my way over to the Willy Street Co-op (a few blocks from my home in Madison.) to look for a natural shampoo that would work for me.  I didn't care how expensive it was (within reason), as long as it:
  1. Was not harmful to the environment.
  2. Allowed me to run my fingers through my hair again.  (to think, I used to take this for granted!
Since then I've been using Vanilla Mint: Everyday Shea Moisturizing Shampoo which has been like a dream come true.  It's not insanely expensive at the Co-op, and lasts forever; although I don't use it everyday like it suggests (the one good thing that I got out of the no-poo process)

I am not dissing the No Poo movement at all, nor will I ever.  It just didn't work for me, which I'm sad about, but it did bring me to a natural shampoo that I love (and my hair does too!)

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