Friday, June 17, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday (6/17)

^  Homemade Hazelnut Gelato!  ^

1.   The last movie I saw was     Midnight in Paris!  Woody Allen's new movie.  Jason and I went to see it last night, and I loved it.

2.  I want to    get my bangs trimmed today.  They are driving me absolutely insane!!

3.  Surprises are     few and far between, but fun!  This past week I brought the dinosaur-loving three year old that I watch to the Geology museum downtown.  I didn't tell her where we were going, I just wanted to see the look of wonder and surprise when she finally got to see dinosaur fossils.

4.  The best accessory is   a chunky vintage necklace.  I have a few that I will rotate when an outfit needs a little pick me up.  It always does the trick!

5.  My favorite warm drink is     a soy latte.  When it's made correctly, you don't even have to add sugar.

6.  My favorite cold drink is       water.  I once read a book as a kid called "The Search for Delicious", about a man who travels the world for the most delicious thing on earth so he could complete it's definition in a dictionary he was writing.  It turned out that he discovered that water was the most delicious thing on earth .

7.  Currently loving       sitting poolside, covered in sunblock, with nothing to do but read.  Honestly, there's just about nothing better.

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