Saturday, June 11, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday...only on Saturday. (6/11)

1.   This weekend I'm      laying low and hopefully going for as many tandem bike rides as possible.

2.  My last vacation was   probably my trip home to Pennsylvania recently.  I guess that would count as a mini vacation.

3.  My next vacation will be     another mini trip, only to Cleveland this time.  I've been to Cleveland four times, three while I was on tour, and once while I was at a greyhound bus station.  (Creepy!!)   Jason and I are going there for our friend's wedding.  Besides the wedding, I'm excited to explore a city with Jason that is mostly unfamiliar to us.

4.  My favorite way to relax is   watching hulu with Jason right before bed.  Sometimes we'll even get a movie from the library!  What a treat!

5.  When vacationing one should always     pack light.  Remember that you are not moving anywhere, so you don't need all of your belongings.  Trust me, I've lived out of a messenger bag for three months of my life, and that's even smaller than a backpack!

6.  When vacationing one should never       see themselves as being invincible, especially in a new place.  Be sure to remember that scene in Stand By Me before you jump into that marshy pond.  They ended up getting covered in leaches, and it was gross.  I always remind myself that being spontaneous is great, but being covered by leaches is not so great.

7.  The best part about a vacation is       eating different food and seeing different surroundings.

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